Neoliberalism and imperial policies threaten Latin America


Gathered from 15 to 17 July at the Havana Convention Center, more than 600 delegates analyzed this situation and the response strategies to be followed by the progressive and left-wing Latin American organizations at the XXIV Meeting of the Forum in Sao Paulo and the Caribbean.

Prensa Latina spoke on the subject with former Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño.

We are in a special conjuncture that has several elements to consider when it comes to what is happening and According to the political activist, one of the limits is the persecution of progressive leaders, with the Purpose of halting the processes of change and neutralizing the forces that oppose attempts to reappear neoliberalism and imperial policies. to oppose to domination.

In Brazil, Dilma Rousseff and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva; in Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner; and in Ecuador, Rafael Correa and Jorge Glas, are examples of this harassment, while in Bolivia they start doing something against Evo Morales, he warned.

Patiño mentioned as another component of the crusade of internal and external law. overthrow governments, which happened in Nicaragua for several weeks.

"We also have the case of Ecuador, with a betrayed revolution, something very regrettable. We feel the responsibility, because we suggest his name (Lenin Moreno), but we never thought that something like that would happen, he said.

During the XXIV Meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum, organized for the third time. In 2001, participants denounced the coup d'etat, judicial maneuvers, political persecution, destabilizing violence and media campaigns

. In this sense, the Final Declaration reflects solidarity with Venezuela, Nicaragua and the United States. Salvador, a country whose

Patiño told Prensa Latina that, although the scenario is complex and difficult, not everything is bad news.

In Colombia, the left had a good election result with Gustavo Petro -derrotado in the second round, by Iván Duque, and in Mexico, we saw the triumph of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, did he says.


For the former Chancellor Ecuato Riano, before the intention to impose neoliberalism in Latin America and the Caribbean, progressive and leftist forces have no choice but unity and dialogue.

It is very important that we meet and talk, share our experiences and analyze our he stressed, highlighting the relevance of the Sao Paulo Forum and his new appointment in Havana.

According to Patiño, to advocate concerted strategies involving political organizations and social movements. and above all, convert what has been agreed into concrete collective actions.

The special value is to take action in the field of the media, with the aim of counteracting the enormous power of the media that deceive people and cause an informational imbalance. what is happening in countries like Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

We need to articulate and coordinate our communication skills, including working in social networks, so that what we discuss and agree to at the Sao Paulo Forum and other meetings reaches people; It is only then that we will be able to fight, he says.


Patiño considered it essential that Latin America and the Caribbean move towards integration, beyond ideological differences

. Ideological theme for thinking about unity; It's a basic issue of survival, we live in a globalized world that requires the existence of regional integration mechanisms, he said.

The political leader recalled the leading role in the international concert of blocs such as the European Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

In the case of Latin America and the Caribbean, this topic has a special connotation, after 200 years of struggles for independence and measures taken in terms of integration, realizing the dream Simón Bolívar and d & # 39; Other national heroes, he added

According to him, in this context, actions contrary to the process of unity of Latin America and the Caribbean are deplorable.

According to him, the attempt to weaken South American Nations (Unasur), after the announcement of some of its members (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru) to take the distance of block and founded in 2008.

Now the government of Ecuador wants to take the siege, in an anti-historical decision, argued

The Ecuadorian President, Lenin Moreno, announced in early July that his Government will ask the member countries of Unasur the return of the building, to give it another destiny.

The Final Declaration of the XXIV Meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum positions itself in defense of the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean.

* Journalist of the National Editors of Prensa Latina

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