Netflix: discover how to watch free movies on the Premium platform | platform | online | service | Cine-series


Tired of commercials that appear on the pages of movies ? Still do not know how to watch movies for free? In Netflix, you can do it, above all, in a legal way; However, despite being a paying platform, here we will tell you the safe and unrestricted way to watch movies without spending money.

But what is Netflix Premium ? It's a plan that lets you play movies and TV shows from this platform on up to four devices at the same time and, most importantly, in High Definition (HD) and Ultra-Definition (Ultra HD). ), in order to make the cinema experience by yourself. home

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As mentioned above, this service pays off; however, we will detail here ways to access Netflix Premium and, therefore, to watch movies online for free, safely, without restriction and especially without "spam".


The perfect coupling. Since it began spreading on all continents, Netflix began offering the first month of its service for free. You must subscribe via the page or the application, choose the plan that suits you best and so, start enjoying the 30 free days. Before the end of the month, Netflix will tell you if you want to continue or not with the service.


The Friendship Test. This method is the most popular among all users because there is always the good friend or family member who shares his password and benefits from the platform Premium . Is it illegal? Not at all, Netflix accepts this method because she believes that people become convinced of the product and create their own account.


Although this is one of the least effective methods, it happens over time. Some movies and some series of Netflix are transmitted by cable channels, after leaving this platform.

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