Netflix: Producer of "Luis Miguel, the series" sharing emotional picture | mexico sun | ing | viral instagram | Cine-series


Sundays are no longer the same for the followers of "Luis Miguel, the series". The fans made feel the big void left by the series since they were connected every weekend at 9pm. to see each episode that Netflix has transmitted; however, this shocked some as the series culminated its first season a week ago.

So the producer of "Luis Miguel," series, Carla Gonzalez Vargas, realizing the "El Sol de México & # 39; in the lives of many fans, decided to share on Instagram a photo that has generated passions among the millions of followers. What is it? Here we detail.

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"In Honor of Previous Sundays", you can read next to the publication that & ## He made Carla Gonzalez on Instagram. It can be seen next to Diego Boneta and Luis de la Rosa

In a few hours, the snapshot reached almost 5,000 'I love you' # 39 ;, taking comments more than positive. "I do not even watch TV, the only thing was to wait Sunday to watch the series and it turns out that it's over", "We're waiting for season 2", "Great actors, let alone the writer and the producer ". messages that can be read.

Many fans are waiting for you to confirm a second season because in the beginning they did it and then deny it. The producer has not yet responded.

It must be remembered that "Luis Miguel, the series & # 39; is a production of Netflix and Telemundo which is based on the life of the Mexican singer, where Diego Boneta plays the role of Luis Miguel .



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