Laureate is recognized as Company B, a certification that measures the social impact of organizations. Gatorade launches G-Active, vitamin-free vitamin water
Laureate, present in Peru since 2004, is the only entity of the education sector in Peru to be recognized as a B company, international certification It measures the social impact of organizations across 5 axes: governance, workers, community, environment and users In Peru, Laureate works to provide educational opportunities to its students, being the University Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC), the Northern Private University (UPN) and the Cibertec Technological Institute, the institutions that make it up locally.As part of this global network, these Peruvian institutions have to go through a certification process, accrediting their contribution to the community is with those who are related.
The Ministry of Education and the Network National Energy Authority (REP ISA) executed the project "Substitution and construction of infrastructure and equipment in the IE No. 22724 Teresa de la Cruz", in the district of San Juan Bautista, Ica, through the mechanism of the Works for Taxes. The modernization of this school is the first that Minedu achieves under this investment modality. This project was fully funded by ISA REP, required an investment of $ 5 million and now benefits 200 students. (Photo: El Comercio)
Red Hat, Inc. has announced that Amazon, Arm, Canonical, GitLab, Intel Corporation, Liferay, Linaro, MariaDB, NEC, Pivotal, Royal Philips, SAS, Toyota and VMware have joined the list of community and industry leaders who reject the hard tactics used to require compliance with open source licensing, assuming the GPL cooperation commitment.This commitment reflects the belief of the importance of the respect of open source licenses and that the protection of licenses in the open source ecosystem works by observing different rules These 14 companies join those who have already made this commitment: Red Hat, Facebook, Google and IBM have adopted the Initial commitment in November 2017 and in March 2018, they were joined by CA Te chnologies, Cisco, HPE, Microsoft, SAP and SUSE
If you are preparing your thesis or project, at the Lima International Book Fair (IDF 2018), American researcher and teacher Gina Vega will offer free advice to all participants and will present his book How to Write Case Studies, a project published by the UPC Publishing House, which has been conceived as an individualized workshop to help case writers structure their cases through a series of modules. place on Saturday, July 21st at 4:00 pm in the José María Arguedas room
Six thousand students from nine public schools in Mazamari, Pangoa and Río Tambo districts (Satipo province, Junín region) will benefit from the program "Impacting Lives" of the Monica Liy Association at, funded and supported by Pluspetrol The implementation of this program also involves the participation of 56 teachers (8 for each school), 9 principals, as well as parents. the internal tournaments will take place and in the month of December the inter-school tournaments will take place to choose the table tennis team of the school that will represent each district in the Junín Regional Sports Games, which will take place in February of next year.
Gatorade has announced the release of G-Active, a zero-calorie vitamin water that helps replace what has been lost during training. G Active, sodium, can replace what is lost through sweat and promotes hydration, stimulating thirst and maintaining "Gatorade includes those who lead an active life, that's why our portfolio has different products that are used to meet all the needs of athletes, "said Flavia Pennano, marketing director of Gatorade Peru.G-Active is available in Peru in the flavors of strawberry-kiwi and lemon, in bottles of 500 ml [19659024] Female Leadership “title =” liderazo mujeres “src =” https://img.elcomercio.pe/files /ec_article_multimedia_gallery/uploads/2018/07/20/5b52503706ced.jpeg “style =” affichage: inline; “/>
The Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Peru and the Universidad del Pacífico We have united to create the Leadership Program for Women Executive , the first program that offers training i General, human and professional, specially designed for women. This occurs in a context where only one in four managers and one in ten directors are women. The leadership program for women executives begins on August 10 and has recruited at the present time professionals from organizations such as Telefónica, Repsol, Mapfre, Cobra, Primax, Eulen, Sodexo, Ayuda en Acción and Indecopi .
Laureate is recognized as the company B, a certification that measures the social impact of organizations. Gatorade launches G-Active, a vitamin-free vitamin water. Actual Inmobiliaria offers a new method of payment to access the purchase of a property.
This and other news in the Piqueo Empresarial of July 20.
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Tags business Economy EmpresarialTrade Gatorade HP Laureate Piqueo