New Constitution of Cuba paves the way for gay marriage


The Constitutional Reform Project Cuban discussed in the unicameral Parliament of the Island, proposes to define marriage as the "19459005" "union between two peoples" which would open the door to the legalization of same-sex marriages, one of the main demands of the collective LGTBI in the country

LEE TAMBI IN: Cubans are waiting for changes with the arrival of Diaz-Canel to power

The Constitution in force (1976) defines marriage as "the union voluntarily agreed between a man and a woman", which prevented the approval of an amendment to the family code that legalized the marriage. same-sex unions, since they would have been unconstitutional.

The Secretary of the State Council of the Island Homero Acosta, explained to deputies today that the notion of marriage is changed that now "no He specifies that it is not an equal marriage, it only breaks this barrier so that in the future it can be incorporated " says Acosta state television, which transmits an hour late to the debates of the plenary session of the National Assembly (unicameral Parliament), to which the foreign press does not have access.

Acosta, veteran of the Cuban dome, pointed out that "the new Constitution could not evade this question" "which was analyzed and debated" by the commission in charge of the reform of the Magna Carta, led by the former president and leader of the Cuban Communist Party ( PCC only), Raúl Castro

"We are not the first, and we would not be the vanguard in this regard because there are about 24 countries that have incorporated this concept.We could not turn our backs on this issue by developing a new constitutional project " he insisted.

This would be a big step in favor of the rights LGTBI on the Communist Island still very conservative society in matters of sexual freedom and where, until there are some decades, homosexuals were persecuted as "social scourges" and interned in labor camps, so-called military units of production assistance ( UMAP ).

Deep changes in the island

The senior official explained that once the Constitution ratified by referendum, legislators will have up to a year to amend certain aspects of the Code Civil and The Family resulting from this change, including aspects such as estates and records, he said.

"I think (changing the concept of family) is an act of justice and I think it reinforces the pri revolutionary principle of humanism and equity. It also avoids this discrimination which for various reasons has been suffered (in the country), "he said.

For Acosta "it's a question in which you have to take a stand" and expressed confidence that "people are going to understand the reasons for this change

The draft new Cuban Constitution will be discussed until 39 to next Monday at the first ordinary plenary session of the Parliament year and includes, among other new aspects, the ban on discriminating against persons by its gender identity, another old claim of the community LGTBI on the island

The most well-known face of the struggle for the rights of this group in Cuba is the deputy and sexologist Mariela Castro, daughter of former president Raúl Castro and director of the National Official Center for Sex Education (Cenesex).

Applications from this community also include access and guarantees of adoption and reproduction. stida for homosexual couples. EFE

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