New wave of layoffs on the news of Univision


The new executive director of Univision openly tells all employees of the colossus of communications in Spanish in the United States: "We are facing tough days while the company adjusts . "

And the first day of the Adjustments were felt Wednesday afternoon in the chain, while many employees were out of work.

Among those affected are several well-known personalities with long and distinguished careers on television, such as Paola Elorza, the meteorologist Chilena of Noticias 23 the news channel of the Miami-affiliated channel , says sources from Nuevo Herald.

Cecilia Ramírez Harris, Venezuelan expert on health and lifestyle will also be released on the screen First Impact and the correspondent of Noticiero Univisio n María Eugenia Payán , from the Dominican Republic.

Univision announced this new wave of layoffs in the midst of an institutional crisis that has claimed in recent months several senior executives whose legacy is a different company than it should have been, according to the memorandum of Vincent Sadusky, who replaced Randy Falco as executive director.

Falco resigned unexpectedly in June, barely four months after the renewal of his contract by the company

. Univision "has done many experiments in recent years to find new avenues for growth, some have worked, others have not," wrote Sadusky in the memo sent to employees. "Many of these new ideas had consumed our resources disproportionately, while some of our core business had a significant lack of resources, "added the executive.

Sadusky did not detail the number of Layoffs Entertainment Deadline reported that the cuts represent 6 percent of the workforce, which before these layoffs totaled about 4,000 people.According to this calculation, about 250 employees will be out of work these days.

This summer only , three executives resigned in Falco's footsteps: Tonia O'Connor, Director of Univision Revenues, Isaac Lee, Executive Director of Content, and Lourdes Díaz, Chief Programming Officer

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In recent years, Univision has acquired many digital media companies in English and has invested extraordinary amounts in the Fusion project, a television channel. English for Latin American bilingual youth who have failed to attract sufficient public and exhausted resources for the TV station's main operations – Spanish programming -, generating discontent among Spanish-speaking employees [19659002] so that the first stage of the new restructuring It was "our intention to sell all our digital properties in English," said Sadusky in the internal release, promising Univision workers that "we will continue to invest in the Hispanic community. "

Wednesday's layoffs, which add up to another recent wave of layoffs, will allow the channel to allocate new resources "to local content and sales, sales in digital media in Spanish, the development of business and many other areas, "said Sadusky

on Channel 23, in addition to meteorologist Elorza, Madeline Norda, executive producer of Noticias 23, graphics department staff as well as the l & # 39; Administrative News Assistant, one of the most eavesdropping in South Florida.

"For the rest of us [los no despedidos] I sincerely believe that it is the new starting point for one of the franchises.

Follow Daniel Shoer Roth on Facebook and Twitter: @DanielShoerRoth .

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Cecilia Ramírez Harris (left), is a writer and journalist specializing in health, wellness and lifestyle issues.


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