New York: A woman tries to climb the Statue of Liberty against Trump's immigration policy | Video | World


A woman in New York tried to climb the famous Statue of Liberty in form of protest against the migratory policies of President United States, Donald Trump who separated several families on the US-Mexican border

It should be noted that the area where the Statue of Liberty Liberty Island is located, was completely evacuated


The woman walked from one side to the other in the sandal of the Lady of the Liberty ] then sat an unfurled flag, while the demonstrators held a banner on the Statue rail .

In the video it is observed that he goes up to the police of New York and tries to dialogue with the woman who was sitting in the dress of ] Statue .

According to the Director of National Park Services at New York Jerry Willis; Liberty Island was evacuated while he was attempting to lower the woman from the Statue of Liberty .

news in development.

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