New York Attorney's Office filed a complaint against a woman who climbed the Statue of Liberty in protest


The New York Attorney's Office announced on Thursday that it would file a complaint against the woman who climbed the Statue of Liberty on Wednesday, July 4, National Day at United States. United . Therese Patricia Okoumou 44-year-old Congolese immigrant was placed there to protest the separation of undocumented families on the border with Mexico.

The woman was arrested after spending four hours on her feet. "of the statue and charged with illegally entering a federal place, having a disorderly conduct and interfering with the functions of a government agency."

In a statement, the prosecution today announced the three charges against Okoumou, each with a maximum imprisonment penalty of six months, for "withstanding the orders to lower, provoking the charge". 39 evacuation "from the island where the monument is" and constitute a substantial danger "for agents.

Federal Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman noted that the woman has alarmed the public and endangered her life and that of the police. "Although we must respect, and we do, the rights of peoples to peaceful protest, this right does not extend to the violation of the law" and to "endanger" others, said Berman

. was Wednesday afternoon with a group of forty protesters from the organization "Rise and Resist", who had deployed a banner at the base of the monument to ask for the "abolition" of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), in protest. The "zero tolerance" policy of President Trump

The woman climbed the base of the statue up to a height of about 60 meters and warned that she would not voluntarily descend before release "all the children" who had been separated from her. his parents without papers.

The Okoumo photos, dressed in an anti-Trump shirt and sitting cross-legged on the base of the statue, became viral on social networks, where his name is on the list of trends. subject 'debi to messages of admiration.


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