New York Mayor De Blasio has crossed the border illegally


It seems that President Trump's crackdown on immigration also applies to emigration – at least to his critic Bill De Blasio, accused by Border Protection of violating Mexican and US laws walking across the border on a visit near El Paso, Texas. The mayor of New York City, a top-level critic of the Trump administration's immigration policies, went to the Texas border with 20 other mayors on June 21, after Trump signed an order prohibiting family separations at the border. De Blasio went to a detention center for immigrant children but was denied entry, then went to Mexico and went to the United States to have a view of the establishment. "The mayor has crossed the border with direct approval and under the supervision of the border patrol supervisor at this point of entry," said De Blasio spokesman Eric Phillips. the mayor because of his plea for the arrest of families on the border by the Trump administration. "

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