Neymar confesses: "I did not want to see a ball" after the World Cup [VIDEO] | Trade | Total Sport | Football world


"I did not want to see a ball in front of me, I did not want to see football," confided Saturday the Brazilian crack Neymar in an interview with AFP, commenting on his "mourning" after the elimination of La Seleçao in the 2018 Russian World Cup .

The most expensive player in history, 26, said that he returns to the ring because "sadness does not last forever" and said that he had great expectations. next season in PSG guided by new coach Thomas Tuchel and in the company of Italian goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon latest acquisition of the Parisian team.

Al interviewed on the criticism he received for his numerous falls and simulations in the world he states that he did not go to Russia "to suffer faults". "I went to win, and my opponents obviously would not leave me alone," he said.

Neymar: "I got used to being criticized for everything"

received AFP at his headquarters. Charity Project Neymar Jr. Institute in Praia Grande, on the coast of Sao Paulo, after playing two matches of the third edition of the friendly championship Five Red Bull Neymar Jr. During the dialogue, he had his 6 year old son, Davi Lucca, on his knees.

Q: What was the impact of your participation in the Cup?

A: It's hard to answer that question. It was a dream, not just mine, but 23 athletes, commission, millions of Brazilians. So the sadness is very great, no one is sadder than me and my companions. But there is also the learning of having played another World Cup and knowing how difficult it is to achieve that dream (…).

Q: You went so far as to say that it was hard to find the strength to play after the elimination. At one point, he ran through his head to stop playing?

A: No, stop, but I did not want to see a ball in front of me, I did not want to watch football because I wanted to disconnect everything. I had moments of mourning, sadness, loneliness. I did not want to see anyone, but the sadness can not last forever, because I have my son, my family, my friends. They do not like to see me sad and I have many more reasons to be happy than sad.

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Q: Do you think the critics were stronger with whom? with whom did he do it?

A: It's true! I think he's the first person who asks me that question and thinks with real reasoning. I think that [los críticos] is focused on who suffers the faults and not on who does them, because whoever does them is unhurt. I did not go to the World Cup to suffer fouls. I went to win, and my opponents obviously would not leave me alone. They would not let me go wrong, because they know that if they do not do it, I'll stop at it. I think they were exaggerated, but I'm used to it, I'm pretty big and I can cope very well with criticism.

Q: Some people think that [su estilo de juego] showed a difference between Brazilian and European football

I do not think that Brazilian football is the one that dribbles and European football is the hardest. Football is growing more and more. I think equality [de estilos] is huge today. We know how difficult it is to play football, even more so for those of us who are attackers. We know defenders will not let us go without trying to avoid them, so it gets harder and harder. But there is someone in charge and it is not me. It is the referee. I can not be referee and player at the same time. If I could, it would be easier! (laughs)

Q: Is there a lot of pressure on Neymar's shoulders?

A: No, there is pressure for all players. Of course, there are two different stems when they relate to my name. I know, and my responsibility, not only with the national team, but also with the clubs where I have played and where I play, has always been very important. Since the age of 17 or 18, when I went to the national team, I already knew the requirements that I had and I prepared for that. And I know very well that when the results do not arrive, the criticisms begin and the claims are greater.

  YouTube | Diego Maradona with Neymar: "He has fallen 20 times in every World Cup match" | VIDEO "title =" YouTube | Diego Maradona with Neymar: "He has fallen 20 times in every World Cup match" | VIDEO "style =" show: inline; "/> </div>
<p class= Diego Maradona talks about Neymar in" From the mano del diez "(Video: YouTube)

Q: you have already confirmed that you are staying with Paris Saint-Germain, but has there been Conversations with other teams?

A: No, no, there is only the press that speculates, who invents these stories, they have to ask them, they seem to know more than me about my life, spend the time answering this question because there was nothing …

Q: Start a new season with PSG What are the expectations of the team, with the l & # 39; Coach Thomas Tuchel and with the arrival of Gianluigi Buffon to the goal?

A: The wait is great, we have received a football legend with all his experience, and I am sure that He will help us a lot this season, so I am very happy not only with him, but also with the coach, C is a great person, a great coach, and we hope to be able to do a gra I'm working in this season.

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