NH Hotel Group noted that the purchase offer by Hyatt, arrived "too late"


The week ended with an almost 10% increase in NH shares due to interest in buying.

The interest of Hyatt Hotels Corp. In the acquisition of NH Hotel Group SA came too late to stop the public offer of its rival Minor International Pcl by the Spanish company, said Dillip Rajakarier, director of operations of the Thai bidder. "Hyatt has entered the church and the girlfriend is already gone," Rajakarier said in a telephone interview on Friday. "Our reaction is to continue and complete this transaction."

Hyatt sent a letter to the NH hotel indicating its interest in the chain's acquisition of more than 370 hotels, the company said Thursday. Any offer based at Hyatt in Chicago would compete with the Minor Offer, which rated the NH hotel share that it did not own at 1.64 billion euros (1.91 billion) in early June, when it was announced. for the first time the plans.

Shares in the NH Hotel rose 8.9% in Madrid on Friday. In a statement sent Friday by e-mail, Lucas Martinez, a spokesman for the NH Hotel Group, said the council had received the letter from Hyatt and would decide on the follow-up to Hyatt's request in the coming days. refused to comment

Including a planned purchase of 8.4% NH HNA Group Co., Minor Hotel, based in Bangkok, is on track to own 44% of the company based to Madrid. 19659008] [ad_2]
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