Nine of the 17 dead in the sinking were members of a family


In the tourist boat that sank last Thursday in a lake in Missouri (19459004) United States ), 11 members of the family sailed, nine of whom died and only two survived, reported Friday. authorities. 19659002] A total of 17 people aged between 1 and 70 died on the boat, with 31 people on board.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson reported that of 17 deaths, nine were parents . The family was originally from the state of Indiana, and only one woman and one of her nephews survived.

A local branch of the chain Fox spoke with the woman who survived, Tia Coleman. "I am very sad, we were eleven, only two survived, me and my nephew, I lost all my children, I lost my husband, I lost my in-laws, I lost my uncle, I lost my sister-in-law … a nephew, "said Coleman

" He told us not to worry about lifejackets "

The woman also explained that the boat's captain, who survived, told them before setting sail they would worry about "lifejackets since they were not wearing Would not need it. "

The boat (an amphibious vehicle) overturned and was destroyed Thursday afternoon at Table Rock Lake in Missouri because of strong winds that hit the region .

The Meteorological Service of the United States. recorded sustained winds of over 65 kilometers per hour and peaks of up to 100 kilometers per hour that affected the region at the time of the accident.

They recover the bodies

Among the deaths of the wreck, the driver is also counted. the boat, Robert Williams.

The emergency teams recovered the bodies of eleven of the dead last night and the rest of the morning .

The company that operated the boat, which suspended its activities, is Branson, a city that receives national tourism in summer at Lake Table Rock. ( With information from EFE )

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