Nolberto Solano: "There must be a plan B in case Ricardo Gareca does not renew"


July 24, 2018 5:00 am

"Decisions concerning the technical direction will be taken by Juan Carlos Oblitas he was the key to this process.I imagine that he will already think of an alternative in case Gareca would not decide to continue, it must have a plan.But, without a doubt, the path started by Gareca is the one that must be followed for the future, "said Solano to the Argentine Conexión Abierta [19659003

"The arrival of Ricardo Gareca was very important, but we are all in uncertainty," he continued. "He takes his time to think, even he should be tempted many times after the excellent work that he did with Peru, "he said.

In addition, Ñol mentioned that everyone expects Gareca to remain for the excellent work done in World Cup and Qualifications. "As Peruvians, we pray that he can stay, he has done a great job and it has been very exciting to come back to a World Cup after so many years, "concluded the ex-national.


Tomorrow, it is the end of the term that Gareca asked the FPF to define its continuity in the national team Peruvian. El Tigre must arrive today, with his technical command, to meet the president of the FPF, Edwin Oviedo and define his future.

It is known that the coach manages the offers of the important clubs of Saudi Arabia as well as the Colombian Football Federation and the Argentina Football Association to take their respective selections.

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