Non-Traditional Exports Have Accumulated 22 Months of Consecutive Growth


In constant increase. Peruvian non-traditional exports increased by 19.1% between January and May 2018, registering an amount of US $ 5,277 million and accumulating 22 consecutive months of growth, reported the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur).

The result was supported by the dynamism of the metallo-mechanics (+ 22.9%), fishing (+ 21.9%) and agriculture and forestry sub-sectors. livestock (+ 21.5%). The textile and clothing sub-sector grew by 13% in the first five months of the year thanks to the good performance recorded in May (+ 17%).

The good performance of exports of fresh grapes stands out in the agricultural sector (+31.2)% and fresh avocado (+ 18.9%). In the non-traditional fishing sector, the growth of canned potas (+ 58.1%) and frozen squid stands out (+ 56.7%)

Traditional exports

Between January and May 2018, traditional Peruvian exports totaled US $ 14,202 million, which represents a growth of 17.3% in the aforementioned period of 2017 (US $ 12,112 million).

The result is a consequence of export growth in the oil and natural gas (+ 22.6%) and mining (+ 20.5%) sectors.

For traditional products, strong growth in natural gas shipments stands out, with an increase of 36.8% when exports of this product were more than $ 400 million in the first five years month of the year.

significant development also showed deliveries of zinc (+ 34.3%) and copper (24.7%) Prices of both raw materials remained at levels 20% higher than those observed l & # 39; last year.

Meanwhile, the export of gold rose 8.8% over last year due to the price increase (7, 4%) [19659003] Total Exports

As a result of these two results, total Peruvian exports amounted to US $ 19,479 million, 17.7% more than in the same period of last year. # 39; year. the previous year ($ 16,554 million) and accumulating 23 months of uninterrupted growth

Only in May 2018, Peruvian shipments exceeded $ 4 billion, up 15.3% from May 2017 This amount was mainly due to the increase in fish exports (+ 98%), as well as to the increase in natural gas exports (+ 58.5%).

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