NRCC supports the candidate for his outspokenness against diversity


Seth Grossman is a candidate for the 2nd Congressional District of New Jersey, where Republican Representative Frank LoBiondo retires after holding this seat for 24 years.

He won the Republican primary in New Jersey, and the National Committee of the Republican Congress initially approved his candidacy for Congress on June 6.

On Monday, the liberal media watch group Media Matters for America released a report that promoted opinion articles on white nationalist websites.

"Bigotry has no place in society, let alone the US House of Representatives, which withdraws its support for Seth Grossman and invites him to reconsider his candidacy. New Jersey's 2nd District deserve a Republican candidate to be a conservative voice of confidence in Congress, "said committee chairman Steve Stivers in a statement.

Grossman did not return a request for comment on NRCC's decision.

GNN KFile's previous social media survey of Grossman revealed recurrent rhetoric against diversity and derogatory descriptions of Muslims and African Americans.
In an article published in April 2015, Grossman published an article on Muslim migrants "
In December 2015, Grossman claimed that Kwanzaa was" a false party invented in the 1960s by black racists to tell them a story . weaken and divide Americans during a Christmas season of joy and goodwill. "
Grossman was also recorded calling diversity" a bunch of shit and non-American ", which was uploaded to YouTube by the" super "American PAC Century.

" In my opinion, the best way to Bringing diversity to the Republican Party is that Republicans openly say that the whole idea of ​​diversity is a bunch of shit and anti-American, "reads the video in June.

CNN rated the race as a democrat penchant, and CNN has previously reported it as a seat that Democrats see as a potential reversal for winning home in November.
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