Police arrested a man suspected of attacking two women with a knife, killing a woman in a subway station in Oakland, California. John Cowell, a 27-year-old parolee, was arrested at another train stop. A vigil in Oakland is transformed into a walk. (July 24)

OAKLAND, Calif. – Hunt for a police man killed an 18-year-old woman in a San Francisco Bay Area, an unprovoked assault ended: In a station.

John Cowell, 27, a recently released and violent thief, was peacefully arrested on a train from Antioch on Monday night. "This is the first step towards justice for Nia and her family," said Carlos Rojas, police chief of the Bay Area Rapid Transit region.

A phone call from a BART runner brought the police to Rojas said: "About 10 minutes later, after the call, another boss told us that the subject had reached Antioch. train, "said Rojas.

This train was stopped at Pleasant Hill Station at Walnut Park, northeast of Oakland. Cowell was on board and was arrested without incident. It was not immediately clear if Cowell had a lawyer.

Asked how a wanted man could have returned to the BART system, Rojas said that he did not know it immediately but that the public transportation system was "porous".

Rojas said the police were on duty at the MacArthur station where the attack took place, but was not sure that it could have been avoided because of the suddenness of the police station. unprovoked and perhaps random attack. Attack, "Cowell stabbed Nia Wilson twice in the neck, then attacked her sister before fleeing and apparently taking off her pants and her sweatshirt to escape the capture, said Rojas. allegedly served at the attack was found on a nearby construction site.

Letifah Wilson, 26, said that she, Nia and a third sister were returning from a family outing when They were "caught off guard by a madman"

"He did not know us, we did not know him," says Wilson.

"I looked back and he was wiping his knife and stood at the stairs and just looked. From then on, I took care of my sister, "she tells ABC7 News on Monday, speaking outside the home of a family member with a band-aid on the neck

hysterically crying, and told him to arrive at MacArthur Station.

"This is nothing imaginable, seeing your child on the BART platform with a yellow tarp on his body, "said Muhammad Monday night." It's an image I will never forget for the rest of my life. So I want justice. All I want is justice. "

A surveillance video in the train and on the platform of the station showed that Cowell was riding the same car as the sisters on Sunday, but that they were not reacting, Rojas said, remained unclear. Rojas stated that Cowell was not connected to any radical or white supremacist group, although he added, "We will explore all options and all possibilities."

The victims were black and Cowell is white.

On Monday night Lynette McElhaney, Oakland City Council member, said that she had spoken to the prosecutor and that she would have told him that Cowell would be arrested Wednesday and that the Office had not ruled out to charge him with hate crime

Libby Schaaf, mayor of Oakland.There was no evidence that the attack was motivated by the race, but "the fact that his victims were both young African-American women of pain and a palpable fear in all those who recognize that our country still suffers from a tragic and deeply racist story "

A Monday evening vigil at MacArthur BART station has grown larger later in a crowd of 39. about a thousand who walked downtown, the police said. Police said that some people in the crowd became "disruptive" when two men were arrested because of an argument, and that firecrackers were thrown, but the police broke it and [[] 19659008] million. Cowell was released from state jail on May 6 after serving a two-year sentence for robbery, said Vicky Waters. , spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

Cowell pulled out a knife and a replica of a pistol on a supermarket clerk who confronted him with a robbery, according to the records of the court

. Cowell, who was homeless, repeatedly appeared in the emergency and harassed and threatened staff members, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

The East Bay Times newspaper reports that her neighbor, Carol Kincaid of Concord, told The Times that she knew Cowell since he was a baby and said: He was "still in trouble".

His behavior worried neighbors, especially since he's recently returned to his aunt's home, across the street, Kincaid said.

"It's not good at all". Wilson's death is the third attack of the BART system in five days, making it one of the deadliest weeks in the history of the system.

On Sunday, a homeless man died after being hit by a striker Saturday in San Leandro fell and hit his head on the sidewalk. Another man who was attacked last week died Friday after a small cut that he suffered was infected, reported the San Francisco Chronicle. An arrest was made in this case and the authorities stated that neither one nor the other case was related to the attacks with the knife

— [19659030] Rodriguez brought back from San Francisco.

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