Odebrecht Signs Denunciation Agreement and Reports $ 697.4 Million to Brazil


A new leniency agreement with the General Union Advocacy Agencies (AGU) and General Comptroller of the Union (CGU) endorsed Odebrecht and promised to return $ 2,700 million (approximately $ 697.4 million) to By the agreement, the company undertakes to repair the damage caused by the acts of corruption and to collaborate with the investigations in exchange for receiving the endorsement to sign new contracts. with the public administration.

According to the AGU, the document signed concerns the "diversion of resources" from the state and federal state enterprises. Of the R $ 2,700 million that the company must repay, R $ 900 million (about $ 232.4 million) is paid bribes.

Approximately R $ 1,300 million ($ 335.8 million) is part of the company's profit through corrupt practices, while R $ 442 million (about $ 114.29 million) will be part of the company's profit. corresponding to the fine.

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