Of the 245 recall requests, only one was accepted



San Pedro de Bolpebra is a small municipality located in the north of the country, in the department of Pando on the banks of Acre on the tripartite border between Bolivia, Brazil and Peru.

Bolpebra, a small municipality located in the department of Pando, with just over 2000 inhabitants will go to a revocation of the mandate. He is the only one out of 245 claims that has met the requirements, to dismiss his mayor, Herlin Hurtado.

Out of 245 requests for revocation of office, to 370 elected, who received the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), at the end of the expiration of the deadlines for submission of books only in the municipality of Bolpebra, Pandino, the reminder will be done.

"There have been 245 applications, of which 167 have been authorized and of these 167, only one, Bolpebra has realized that C is a complex process," said Vice President of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, José Luis Exeni.

Of the total applications, 16 withdrawals were submitted by the promoters of the citizens' initiative, 62 were rejected, 167 qualified for the collection of signatures, but 166 were filed for violation of the requirements

The revocation of the mandate is a constitutional mechanism through which the sovereign people of Election by universal suffrage, on the continuity or termination of the functions of the authorities elected by vote.

"The electorate has the right to dismiss an official before the end of his term", states Article 25 of the Supreme Standard, which applies to all elected authorities by a vote levels of government: national, departmental and municipal.

This year, half of the management of the elected authorities was completed between 2014 and 2015. There was an explosion of revocation requests, but only in Bolpebra this process will be developed, according to the final and official data of the TSE .

Electoral Corps Chairman Katia Uriona commented that while this democratic mechanism is a constitutional right, data on initiatives must "serve to ensure that those carrying out the initiative take into account the scope of the initiative. request".

Exeni assured that the TSE guaranteed the democratic exercise despite the fact that many promoters gave up, others did not meet the formal requirements, while the majority could not collect the necessary signatures.

Certainly not an easy process, it is large and failing, mainly in the collection phase. Signatures

The first step is the will of a citizen or citizens who express the desire to revoke an authority, which must result in a request to the TSE or to the county electoral courts, according to the l & # 39; authority to revoke

Electoral entities must verify the legality of the sponsor and the formal requirements; if this first phase is fulfilled; he will be allowed to move on to the next which is the collection of signatures, which must also comply with the requirements of legality.

As a rule, the promoter has 90 days for collection of signatures, 25% or 30% depending on the authority to be revoked had a national, departmental or municipal scope of action.

After fulfilling this requirement and presenting the books, the work of the electoral bodies consists of checking and verifying the names, signatures and fingerprints with the Biometric Electoral database, for this work they have 60 days to receive the 39; initiative.

If this step is not overcome with the percentage of signatures, because the electoral entities found observations of false signatures, without fingerprints, among others, the file will be filed and

But if all the rest arrives and the promoter has managed to have the necessary signatures and has been positively verified with the voters list, and the governing body of the electoral processes will allow the recall to proceed.

"In all cases, the convening of the referendum to revoke the warrant shall be effected by means of the law of the state." Then the TSE will set the timetable for the completion of the process

Member Idelfonso Mamani explained that once the referendum date is reached, to revoke the authority should get a higher percentage of votes higher than those obtained in the elections that elected him

"There must be a higher vote than the percentage that the authority received when it was elected, in order to remove the mandate it has to overcome the vote of denial and it can not be inferior. In Chuquisaca failure revocation attempts

In the department, the process of revocation of the mandate against the mayor of Sugar, Iván Arciénega and 11 councilors, was set apart in April because the petitioners did not submit the membership books within 90 days.

The collection process signatures began on January 8 with the delivery of the res Permission for petitions, as well as as book formats for printing, according to an institutional press release.

The promoters had to obtain the signatures of 63,071 citizens for the recall of the mayor and councilors, which represents 30% of the electoral list of Sucre. [19659004FurthermoretheprocessofthecontroloftheEuropeanGovernor'sGovernorwasfinallyfaintedbecausepromotersincreaseddifficultyinthedigitizationofsignaturesandransferenceofwaresdamagedbyblocksinMay

The promoters were to obtain 83,000 signatures from the Ministry 38,000 in Sucre and the rest in the provinces. Only Sucre managed to collect 43,000 signatures

Those who promoted this citizen initiative had a legal deadline of 90 days to complete the required signatures.

Also the promoters of the mandate revocation of the mayor of Tarabuco, Iber Meras, have not presented the membership books of citizens within the time limit expired on May 15, in accordance with the terms of the agreement. electoral body.

Similarly, on May 16, the deadline for the submission of signatures for the recall of the councilor of the municipality of Villa has been respected Vaca Guzmán, Alberto Delgado, but the promoters have also not presented the books membership of citizens; it has also been archived.

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