Official: Pruitt & # 39; slowly advance to the tipping point & # 39;


The grievor, describing the feeling within the administration towards Pruitt, was wondering if the EPA administrator would retain his position as it might appear in the advertisements of the candidates Democrats in the "swamp" of President Donald Trump.

In the end, the decision is with Trump.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley told reporters on Tuesday that Trump was studying the "many reports" on Pruitt.

"The President has the impression that Scott Pruitt has done a very good job in deregulating the government, to allow a flourishing economy, which is important to him, but these things also count for the President, and he examine them, "Gidley said. "When we have an announcement, we will do it."

Trump said early June that Pruitt "was doing a great job in the walls of the EPA," while acknowledging the growing controversies of his EPA chief.

"I mean, we set records," said Trump. "Outside, he is attacked very violently by the press, I do not say that he is blameless, but we will see what happens."

But the administration's remark increasingly underlines concerns about Pruitt. Kevin Chmielewski, former Deputy Chief of Operations, is expected to testify before Congress and told CNN that Pruitt and his associates were using "secret" calendars and schedules to hide. his contacts with representatives of the industry and others. Former Pruitt Policy Advisor Samantha Dravis met with the House Oversight Committee last week, and the Washington Post and The New York Times reported that Dravis told congressional investigators that Pruitt had asked her to do so. to get a job. wife. Both newspapers wrote that Dravis said she had declined the request, citing concerns about the violation of Hatch's law.

And CNN reported Tuesday that Pruitt had already approached Trump in the oval office, asked Trump to dismiss Attorney General Jeff Sessions and offered to replace Sessions at the head of the Department of Justice on a temporary basis.