Oil production drops 20% in June | Trade | Economy | Peru


The production of petroleum fell by 20% in June compared to May 2018, while 52,000 barrels per day (BPD) was increased to 41,000 barrels per day, the figure the lowest recorded so far this year, according to reports from Perupetro .

The cause is due to the temporary closure of lot 192 located in Loreto because of the problems presented by the Pipeline Nor Peruano . In May, the production of this deposit amounted to 10,409 BPD, for which it paid a monthly fee of 3,522,654 US dollars. Its production in July is zero barrel.

Among the companies with the highest production in June are: CNPC with lot X located in Piura and 13.501 BPD and followed by Savia with lot Z-2B, located in the same area with 8.092 BPD. The monthly contribution of the cannon for the production of these two lots was just over 10 million US dollars

Felipe Cantuarias, president of the Peruvian Petroleum Corporation, pointed out that the current production of the country does not meet not to domestic demand. "Every imported barrel is less taxable and less barreled, the import does not generate resources for the country, on the contrary, it is carried away," he said.

During the last year Peru imported $ 2,578 million worth of oil which ultimately benefited the economies of Ecuador, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States. Colombia

. at the present time there is no exploration and, without exploration, there is no possibility to increase our oil reserves, which have passed from 750 million to 450 million barrels.

Therefore, the SPH is confident that the new changes to the Organic Hydrocarbons Act (LOH) will restore competitiveness and will immediately unlock more than $ 5 billion in investments and an additional $ 21 billion in investments. future.

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