On Facebook: Fan insults Christian Cueva during a flight to Russia for failing the penalty against Denmark | Video | Fb | Russia 2018 World Cup | | trends


Do not believe it. Peruvian midfielder, Christian Cueva left for Russia in the afternoon to sign for his new team: Krasnodar. However, he did not wait for what would happen next: a fan asked him to record a greeting and then insult him. The video was posted on Facebook and went viral in a few hours

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is seen in the audio-visual material released by the Blue Label Facebook page, the man said: "this is for my brother Beto who loves you loves you, but it ca ***** the world.really, excuse me, "to the surprise of Christian Cuev that he was expecting something else, less to be insulted. Keep reading the note.

The video that begins to spread on Facebook and other social networks has generated all kinds of reactions. Some strongly criticize the subject who insulted Christian Cueva, while others join the "chacota" and approve of what was said in the video. In the end you can not see what the player's reaction was, because the clip is cut off.

As recalled, Christian Cuev failed a penalty against Denmark, penalty which, if specified, could have changed the destiny of the Peruvian team at the 2018 World Cup. In Russia like other famous players have failed. In Facebook many fans supported Cueva.

A user of Twitter shared information about who would be responsible for the video criticized Christian Cueva ] It would be Renzo Quiroz, a leader who, accompanied by his brother, went to Russia to attend the matches of the Peruvian national team. This data is also broadcast on Facebook

Watch the controversial video posted on Facebook :

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