One in four diabetics suffers from diabetic foot


MEXICO.- One in four people with diabetes suffers diabetic foot, a condition that if not treated properly causes a disability and in extreme cases, it can lead to death, the doctor told Efe Kingdom of Karina.

"People with diabetes often suffer from these complications because they do not control the disease well, in fact, only one in four controls their blood sugar levels well," said the nephrologist at the Guadalajara Civil Hospital.

In fact, he pointed out that 85% of amputations in the world are related to diabetes.

In Mexico, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 12 million people are living with diabetes.

Reinoirte explained that among amputees with diabetes, 7 out of 10 die after five years of amputation. If the patient also suffers from chronic nephropathy and undergoes dialysis, his life expectancy is 2 years after. the loss of his limb.

Dr. Irma Luisa Ceja Martínez, medical head of endocrinology and nutrition at Grupo PiSA, said that poorly controlled diabetes damages the nerves, veins and arteries of the body.

"This assignment, called neuropathy, causes thinning of the skin and loss of sensitivity, which does not allow to feel the pain of a wound." Along with the decreased circulation, it predisposes to a slow healing, "explained the specialist.

When the wound does not close, he said, it is very easy to infect and turn into an ulcer, which can become deeper when it develops and affects the tendons and bones. osteomyelitis.

"Osteomyelitis is even more complicated to treat and increases the risk of gangrene and amputation," said the expert.

According to the 2016 National Health and Nutrition Survey, only two out of 10 Mexican adults with diabetes have had foot control in the past year; while 1 in 10 patients diagnosed had ulcers as a complication of diabetes.

In addition, four out of 10 diabetics reported pain or loss of sensation in the soles of the feet, and two out of 10 could not walk for more than six minutes without feeling tired.

EFE / Photo:

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