Óscar Pérez: "We arrived with dreams and illusions in Peru" | Lima


"There is a whirlwind of Venezuelans honest, honest and hardworking people who come to Peru with a lot of illusions and dreams, we are very grateful to the Peruvians and we will not let them down" , said the president of the NGO Unión Venezolana in Peru, Óscar Pérez .

In this way, he regretted that after the assault of a jewelry store in the Jockey Plaza, on June 22, the behavior of all Venezuelans became generalized negatively.

"We can not think that all those who emigrate will commit a crime.Many doctors, lawyers, nurses work with dignity and honesty, being servants or vigilantes, despite the difficulty that this represents, "he told Peru21.

As a sign of rejection of behaviors that violate Peruvian laws, Perez reports that he met with representatives of the Office of the Prosecutor, Interpol and Migration to assure them of their collaboration in denouncing these laws. acts.

"Venezuelans did not come to Peru to teach, we came to learn, and these bad things outrage us, so we proposed that anyone who came for illegal purposes be expelled," he said.


Peru has become a beacon of hope for thousands of Venezuelan citizens who have decided to flee the political, social and economic crisis plaguing the country of the plains and facing a authoritarian regime, in addition to suffering from the shortage of food, medicine and basic products and services.

According to the National Superintendency of Migration, there are currently more than 353,000 Venezuelans in Peru. Of this total, 53,000 already have the Temporary Tenure Permit (PPT), a document that allows them to access formal jobs, medical insurance and other benefits.

It has been reported that every day some 2,200 Venezuelans go to Migrations to carry out this procedure.

The above-mentioned entity also explained that seven out of ten Venezuelans who arrived on our territory do not exceed 35 years. 54% are women, while 46% are men.

Seven out of ten Venezuelans who have decided to stay in Peru have a profession. However, 50% of these people were forced to start working in the ambulatory trade.

According to Migrations, 70% of Venezuelans live in Lima, while other cities with the largest number of citizens of this country are Arequipa, Trujillo and Chiclayo. As for the capital, the majority live in the neighborhoods of Lima Norte such as Los Olivos, Comas and San Martín de Porres. There is another group in San Juan de Miraflores, Chorrillos and Surco.


– The Ministry of Labor issued a decree to regulate the employment of Venezuelan citizens in private enterprises in Peru

– Two and a half years ago, more than three million Venezuelans emigrated according to South American countries, according to the National Superintendency of Migration.

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