OSIPTEL proposes to modify the procedures concerning the fixing of tariffs and the interconnection charges


OSIPTEL proposes to modify the procedures for setting tariffs and interconnection charges

The Private Telecommunications Investment Supervision Agency
(OSIPTEL) proposed to modify the procedures governing the fixation and
review of ceiling rates and capped interconnection charges
telecommunication services, order the processing of information
provide the operating companies and specify the milestones of the steps so
to streamline both processes.

Thus, the regulator plans to update and unify
procedures established in the resolutions of the Board of Directors N
123-2003-CD / OSIPTEL and N127-2003-CD / OSIPTEL to present the improvements
help to overcome the problems identified in the 15 years of validity of the
two devices

These difficulties have to do with the quality and speed of
information provided by the operators the treatment of the beginning of
procedure at the request of a party for fixing or revising tariffs
and caps interconnection fees, and conditions to determine locations
auditions where the proposals are presented.

Among the main changes contained in its normative proposal, the
OSIPTEL noted that following the application of quality guidelines
regulation, it was considered necessary to establish more precise rules for
the operating companies send the information to the regulatory body. On the other hand,
It has been indicated that the procedure for the establishment or revision of fees and
the interconnection is initiated from office, notwithstanding the fact that the company
the operator or interested parties request it from the regulatory body. This is also
specifies that the place where the hearings for the fixation of
capitalization rates will be determined based on the scope of the tariff that is
object of the regulations

It should be recalled that, on the basis of these procedures, they are still in force,
in January 2018, the interconnection charge was established by the termination of
calls in mobile service networks; and recently
better rates for internet access and internet services
regional broadband projects and full connectivity.

Posted on Friday July 13th, 2018

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