Outrage by a Macron employee who assaulted a young man during a demonstration in France


The Prosecutor's Office of Paris on Thursday announced the beginning of a preliminary investigation after the broadcast of images in which he appears a collaborator of Emmanuel Macron beating a protester from the past May 1. Alexandre Benalla was responsible for the security of the president of France during the presidential campaign, before being appointed "chef de mission" at the Elysée, post attached to the Chief of Staff of the President, François-Xavier Lauch

The judicial inquiry should spell out responsibility for the assault in addition to "usurpation of the functions reserved for the public authority, "informed the prosecutor of Paris . After the revelation of a video by the newspaper Le Monde this Wednesday evening, the employee of the Elysee is accused of having used a helmet of the police, although he held no position in the security forces

The attack

In May, Benalla was suspended for two weeks and has then resumed work, although he was transferred to another position to perform administrative duties. He received "the most serious sanction applied to a chef de mission of Eliseo ," said Thursday the spokesman for the French presidency. In the pictures, Benalla equipped with a police helmet, appears holding a young woman by the neck, before violently striking a protester who was already on the floor, [19659002] "The director of cabinet of Macron Patrick Sforza confirmed that Benalla was the man who appears in the video", reported The World ]. Sforza also told the French newspaper that they had temporarily suspended Alxandre Benalla from 4 to 19 May and that they had threatened him with his dismissal in case of "death". a new incident. The Macron employee had asked to "observe" the maintenance of order during May 1st, which the director of the cabinet of the Elysee had accepted.

Like last year, the demonstration of Workers' Day Paris was marked by the destruction of a minority group of demonstrators and clashes between members of the radical left and riot police. Some incidents that led to the arrest of 283 people

Ask for clarification on the facts

The French president denied Thursday statements about this incident during a trip in southwestern France. After the revelation of this controversy, several opposition leaders have asked that this employee of the Elysee receives a more severe penalty. The head of The Republicans (right), Laurent Wauquiez asked Macron to "clarify the facts" and to specify "if there were maneuvers to silence this incident".

The Secretary General of French Socialists, Olivier Faure stated that the employee of the Elysee should assume his responsibilities in court, blaming the director of the Cabinet of the Elysée not to have denounced these facts. ] Laurent Saint-Martin deputy of The Republic in March (party of Macron), assures that the collaborator "will not have to continue working at the Elysee", because "it does not not in accordance with his responsibilities, although he considers that the French Presidency has acted correctly by relegating it professionally.


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