Oviedo: "I will speak with President Vizcarra to see Gareca's recommendations"


FPF President Edwin Oviedo will do his utmost to please the & # 39; Tiger & # 39;

Edwin Oviedo patiently waiting for him to transcend the days when he asks Ricardo Gareca to decide he agrees to renew with the FPF and resume the reins of the Peruvian national team, having participated in the 2018 Russia World Cup .

"The teacher (Gareca) asked for 30 days We hope to have Ricardo Gareca for the next World Cup, all that Ricardo Gareca asked us during this trip," Oviedo told Fox Sports.

LEE [19659005] TAMBI EN: Ricardo Gareca is the main candidate to form Colombia, according to Infobae

Similarly, the leader of the FPF stated that he will seek to speak with President Martín Vizcarra, addressing the issue of sports policies Que Gareca spoke at his last conference.

" We will speak with the President of the Republic to see the recommendations of Gareca The economic part is a complement, but not a determinant", added the president of the FPF .

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