Pakistan: Islamic State Attacks Political Rally and Wounds 128 | PICTURES | World


At least 128 people were killed and 122 wounded in a suicide bombing that occurred at an election rally in Baluchistan province, West Pakistan.

"128 people died in the blast and 122 were wounded," said Faiz Kakar, Health Minister of Baluchistan, Pakistan

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The attack occurred when a suicide bomber blew up the bombs that he carried during a rally by the politician Siraj Raisani of the Regional Formation Awam Nationalist Party i (ANP), on a Market in the District of Mastung in Balochistan, Pakistan

"The Assailant sat among the people (who witnessed the act) and blew up the bombs that he wore at the end of the event, "he said. Mastung police spokesman Sana Ullah

Many injured were taken to several hospitals in the provincial capital, Quet ta, about 35 kilometers from the place where the attack took place . In the capital, health services are in a "state of emergency," said Muhammed Ramzan, a spokesman for the police at the provincial police headquarters in Quetta.

One of the wounded finally succumbed to injuries. in the general elections to be held on the 25th, according to his brother Lashkari.

He recalled that a son of the politician also died in a terrorist attack in 2011.

The jihadist group Islamic State (EI) assumed responsibility of the attack in a brief statement issued by the agency Amaq, akin to the terrorist organization, who claims to have been perpetrated "with an explosive belt at a rally" .

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