Paolo Guerrero: Thaísa Leal surprised him while preparing a Peruvian dish


Paolo Guerrero (34) boasted on Instagram of the Peruvian dish prepared by his girlfriend, the Brazilian nutritionist Thaísa Leal . The & # 39; Predator & # 39; published in his social networks the photo of the dish, green noodles with the huancaína potato and bisteck, accompanied by the sentence: @lealthaisa chief.

The best scorer of the Peruvian selection He found in Brazil a formation with Flamengo for the resumption of Brasileirao. It should be recalled that Guerrero is fit to play, since the Swiss Federal Tribunal has decided to grant him the precautionary measure which suspended the decision of TAS which had inflicted 14 months of punishment for the result of the accident. negative analysis after the match against Argentina last October

It should be noted that the beautiful Brazilian nutritionist spent several days in Lima, next to the mother of Paolo Guerrero, Doña Petrolina Gonzáles. In addition, he traveled to Austria when it was known that the "Predator" would be fighting over Russia's love of the world

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