Paolo Guerrero wants to stay in Flamengo: the Peruvian has expressed his desire to stay in the club | Trade | Total Sport | Peruvians in the world


Although he is the undisputed holder of Flamengo the future of Paolo Guerrero at the Rio de Janeiro club is uncertain. On August 10, his contract ends and we do not know if he will renew it. For the moment, consulted on what is coming, the captain of the Peruvian team has made it clear that he wanted to stay in the & # 39; mengao & # 39;

"Yes, of course, why not (I think) a lot." I have spoken a lot of times. (It depends more) I think of the club, "said the attacker in replicated statements" Globoesporte . "

On the side of Flamengo Vice President Ricardo Lomba ruled on the case of Paolo Guerrero in an interview with & # 39; SporTV & # 39 ;. The manager acknowledged that there were already contacts between the player's representatives and the club.

  Flamengo could not score a win in the Santos field and could lose the lead of Brasileirao. Paolo Guerrero was titular

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"We have already started a conversation about renewal, but we have not defined anything yet because there was a proposal, and we will make a counterproposal and we will see how this will be solved. "

Lomba expressed the importance of Paolo Guerrero in Flamengo . "He is a very good player and a different player" ended on the attacker.

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