Pato Quiñones: Milett Figueroa says it's harder to be a dancer than to be a doctor | Shows


Pato Quiñones drew everyone's attention when he appeared in Telemundo's "A Nuevo Día" in the cast of the famous Mexican singer and actress, Ninel Conde, and received hundreds of congratulations on the networks social. [19659002] The former Milett Figueroa could not help but feel proud of his achievements and used his Instagram stories to thank the messages of support and clarify that he worked hard to make himself a name in the world of dance and music

his achievements

"Thank you for all your support, to value what I am preparing for the future that I have always dreamed , happy that those who said that those of us who were dedicated to this were mere dancers and can live, value today the hard work we do every day ", Pato Quiñones published in his Instagram stories.

Pato Quiñones Defends His Career

He also used his account to talk about all the difficulties that he had to go through during his career. "I'm going to tell you what a mere dancer can give them," wrote Pato Quiñones, adding that "being a dancer is more difficult than being a doctor, administrator or common career" for three reasons.




To avoid misunderstanding, Pato Quiñones published the conversation that he had with one of his followers, who asked him why he said that being a dancer was better than being a doctor. "Nowhere does he say it's better, only it's harder, because you have to fight against many social factors (…)."



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