Pedro Gallese downplays Raysa Zegarra's statements and shows his love to his wife | Sports


The goalkeeper of the national team, Pedro Gallese, still enjoys a well deserved vacation after participating with the Peruvian team at the World Cup Russia in 2018. Far from the scandals, the goalkeeper prefers to spend romantic moments with his partner. Affair with the statements of Raysa Zegarra

"Happy 11 love", writes Pedro Gallese in his Instagram account, with a romantic picture next to his wife, showing that he is not affected by the latest statements from his expoareja. In the snapshot, the archer appears at a romantic dinner with Claudia Diaz, who is expecting the second son of the Peruvian footballer

Raysa Zegarra's new claim

While Raysa Zegarra declares that & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; She will look for a third paternity test due to which he is not satisfied with the results of the test, the Peruvian archer decided to spend a romantic moment with his partner.

"I continue to know that I can lose because he is a public figure and I do not have the power.We appealed for the incompetence of the results, we hope the judge can we admit a third DNA test, "said Zegarra in a recent interview.

If the test is negative?

Gallese's former partner also said that if the third proof of paternity fate is negative, she will cease to appeal to the legal route. "I just want to say that if it shows once again in favor of him, I should leave things there, because I can not fight anymore, my daughter will always be by my side, she will grow up and her genes will be there ( Pedro Gallese) and for me she will not see another proof more refutable than she is. "

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