Pedro Suárez Vértiz: Cecilia Bracamonte responds with a controversial sentence | Shows


The musician Pedro Suárez Vértiz sparked controversy over the weekend for a comment that he made to one of the participants of the "4 finalists", without imagining that several Peruvian artists would criticize him at through social networks

. Creole artists did not like that Pedro Suárez Vértiz said that these artists only work in national holidays. They are joined by the singer Cecilia Bracamonte

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"I think it was an unfortunate sentence of Pedrito, that I & # 39; 39, like it a lot, but that on this occasion we find it a bit offensive, said like this in isolation.Peruvian music is in the feeling of our country.If it was not like that, we We would not have sung "Contigo Perú" in a stadium at the top of our lungs in Russia and tears in his eyes.No rock, no salsa sung, the Peruvian music was sung, "said L & # 39; artist who will organize a party for Fiestas Patrias in La Estación de Barranco (Av Pedro de Osma 112, Barranco) on July 27 and 28, with the show "Contigo Perú. "

For Cecilia Bracamonte, the Creole music market still has room for growth." The company has to bet more because there are proposals. There must be broadcasting, spaces, committed means for children to know the music. Although today, with this beautiful wave of Peruvian, young people are reinterpreting Peruvian music and it is also worthwhile. The music is a reflection of the moments and our societies, "added the criolla who in his show will perform songs like" Bello dormant "," Embrujo "," Peruanita bonita "," José Antonio "," This is my land " , "I am from Peru gentlemen" and many others.

In the show titled "Contigo Perú", which takes its name from the emotional waltz of paternity of Augusto Polo Campos, become the second hymn of the Peruvians, the Creole singer will make follies of its interpretative power and its elegance with themes that will further improve our Peruvian

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