Pedro Suárez Vértiz: Creole artists respond on Facebook after a controversial comment | Shows


Pedro Suárez Vértiz is perhaps the most successful judge of the 4 finalists, but aroused controversy last weekend for a recommendation he made to a singing contest participant who airs Latina

After the "battle" between the "finalist" Pedro Crisanto and the "challenger" Claudia Novoa, the Peruvian singer-songwriter Pedro Suárez Vértiz said that he felt obliged to give him some advice to the young participant who became known to imitate the great Manuel Donayre.

YOU CAN SEE Eva Ayllón almost leaves the decor of Pedro Suárez Vértiz [VIDEO]

"Pedro (Crisanto), very good presentation As always, you have a professional level in Creole music but it is my duty to warn you that if you do not change, you will only have chamba in National Celebrations Anyway, extraordinary presentation, "said the national rocker.

As recalled, Pedro Suárez Vértiz repeatedly told the participants of the "4 finalists" that it is important to vary in the music, but not He imagined that his last comment would provoke the reaction of various artists of this kind.

Marco Romero noted on Facebook that he had previously defended Suarez Vertiz from what he said, but this time he does not know it. "Until the last comment, I understood and even defended, but I do not understand, I think you are wrong," said the interpreter of "Because I believe in you."

Manuel Donayre more emphatic with his commentary and stated in Facebook that "figuretear is not a success." We must respect our culture. Is international music against our Creole music? Very bad your comment PSV ", added

While Aldair Sánchez, a young singer of Creole music, did not hesitate to defend the genre that l? has made known and that the same musician stands out One of his presentations in the program of the Latina contest

"Thanks to the Creole music, I became known and I'm not only singing at Fiestas Patrias. I also sing in the serenades of the Virgen del Carmen, the Lord of the Sea, the Lord of Miracles, the birthdays, the Day of the Creole Song and many other places that do not need July to sing our Creole music. The ex-participant of 'The 4 finalists & # 39;

The first to be unhappy with the comment of Pedro Suárez Vértiz was Eva Ayllón, who wanted to leave the program but her classmates stopped her. 19659002] "I do not think Pedro intended to be bad or bad, I do not think he wanted to do anything, what happens is that Pedro Crisano only sings Creole music, he is afraid of other genres We have already told him, but as he resists, Pedrito, who has no language, spoke to him in the program this way ", said Ayllón to El Comercio

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