Peru vs. Argentina: Matadorcitas lost 3-1 and they won the silver medal in sub-18 South American volleyball | Volleyball


They fought until the last point, but they did not reach them. The Juvenile Volleyball Selection won the silver medal yesterday at South America Sub 18 of Colombia, after falling 3-1 (19-25, 25-23, 19-25 and 22-25) in a tough match against Argentina.

Although the leaders of Natalia Málaga had to settle for second place, the most important task was already accomplished: one day earlier, they had obtained the ticket for the world championship after crushing Brazil in half -final.

The most important thing, by the way, is that the team "Nati". has several promises of our volleyball. In front of Thaisa Mc Leod, the best puncher Janelly Ceopa and the passer-by Yadhira Anchante were the two colors of the tournament.

The World Cup will be played in August next year in a place yet to be defined. Without a doubt, there is a team to dream big.


Peru Vs. Argentina for the final of South American Volleyball Sub 18. The Peruvian national team, led by Natalia Málaga, faces the Argentines this Thursday (8 pm Peruvian time) in search of his fourth title south -American.

Peru sealed their U18 World Cup standings on Wednesday, with their 3-0 win over Brazil (25-9, 25-15, 25-11) in the semifinals of 39, South America played in Valledupar, Colombia.

With this result, Peru managed to leave Brazil for the first time outside of a South American final; and ended with the negative results before the amarelo green team is his last triumph in the category, in South America that was played in the Miguel Grau del Callao Coliseum in 2012.

Natalia's Directed Málaga controlled the match against Brazil's first set, with the outstanding performances of their opponent Thaisa Mc Leod, striker Janelly Ceopa and his passer, Yadhira Anchante.

"I thank my teammates because we played with our hearts and managed to qualify for the World Cup for the joy of our country, it's a lot the effort that everyone has made to be here and our goal will be complete when we get the gold medal, "said captain Yadhira Anchante of the national team after the victory.

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