Peru will receive 4.4 million visitors in 2018 – Diario Expreso


The Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (PromPerú) published a study that states that our country would receive 4 million 400,000 foreign tourists this year, which would generate income for Marisol Acosta, director of tourism of PromPerú said the following: "We expect to receive 4 million 400,000 foreign tourists this year, being the main US market, which concentrates about 16% of international arrivals. "

According to the figures of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) in 2015, Peru received 3,455,709 tourists, in 2016 it was raised to 3" 744,461 tourists and 2017 closed with 4. 032.339 foreign tourists.

In addition, Marisol Acosta reported that currently foreign visitors arriving in Peru come from 25 countries, of which 15 are main promotional activities

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