Peruvian consumer confidence is one of the lowest | Trade | Economy


Peru occupies the third to the last position of the ranking "The new consumer Latin America: question of confidence", a report prepared by Llorente & Cuenca which analyzes in depth key factors Latin America .

In our country, the automotive sector attracts attention, which gets the worst results, with a score of 6.4. Out of a total of 10 points, the sector in general achieved a negative rate of 16.4%.

Chile is the penultimate country where consumer confidence is lowest, especially ] financial services and the pharmaceutical industry

At the end of the list is Argentina in which there is also no confidence in financial corporations and communications .

The average confidence of companies in the region reached, ironically, 7.1 out of a total of 10 points, in the study after analyzing six sectors: food and beverages, pharmaceutical products, financial services

Although in Latin America there is a general climate of confidence in companies, no sector enjoys solid results individually, reveals the report

. The study shows that the food and beverage sector generates the greatest confidence with a regional cumulative of 7.5 points; followed by the distribution and pharmacy sectors with valuations of 7.2 points each and the automotive sector with 7.1 points.

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