Peruvian National Team: Knowing Which Players Have Been Elected as Election Officials in the 2018 Elections


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On Sunday, October 7, 2018, all Peruvians will have to go to the polls to elect our municipal and regional authorities for the next few years. Among these are two players from the Peruvian team who recently participated in the World Cup Russia in 2018.

In this way, two players who wore the national jersey during the last World Cup were elected for the next elections C & # 39; is the case of Edison Flores and Andy Polo.

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In the case of "ears" & # 39; he was chosen as secretary In the district of Comas, while Andy Polo will be the third substitute of Cercado de Lima, it is likely that the two players do not attend their civic duty, since these two players live abroad.

 Edison Flores

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It should be noted that & ## 39, he does not attend to fulfill his responsibility as a member of table and vote in the next elections, both players will have to pay a fine of 207.50 soles, added to the 83 for not having participated in the vote, which would give a total of 290.50 soles.


The future of Edison Flores is still uncertain, the popular "ears" are in Denmark, but it is assumed that his next destination could be in Italy or Saudi Arabia.
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