Peruvian national team: The effort of the Peruvian Football Federation to keep Ricardo Gareca


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A little over three years ago, Ricardo Gareca backpedaled on Jorge Chávez with great uncertainty as he was to become, for the first time, coach of a national team. Today, with the accomplishment of having led us to a World Cup after 36 years, the "Tiger" wants everything clarified in the FPF in order to serenely return to this land that has it all. sheltered.

Wiser and, with the duty to give us an answer on its continuity, the Argentine coach expects to find a good environment to debate and listen to the offer of the FPF

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In his last conference, Gareca asked the city for a month to go to the city. analyze its continuity. Upon his arrival in Lima, the "Flaco" will go to the Videna to meet Juan Carlos Oblitas and listen to the details of the Peruvian proposal.

We expect that, after hearing everything that will be put on the table, the "Tiger" will take a few more days to analyze what has been said, so his definitive answer will be given. here the end of this month.

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The whole country will be at the l & # 39; look for a favorable outcome in this negotiation, the one who will also come to Lima is his lawyer, who incidentally plays the role of representative of the "Profe"

In addition, it is expected that Néstor Bonillo and Sergio Santín, a part of the technical command of the Argentine strategist, visit the offices of the FPF to inform them of the offer for the renovation. .fbAsyncInit = function () {
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