Peruvian selection: Edwin Oviedo returns from Europe and launches a renovation plan for the sustainability of Ricardo Gareca


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The Peruvian Football Federation with the presence of Edwin Oviedo, the incumbent, will start from tomorrow the actions that correspond to the signing of a new contract with Ricardo Gareca, former coach of the l 39 ;National team. 19659004] The scenario is difficult. Different factors allow you to see it. However, the FPF will do whatever it takes for Gareca to register until 2022 and the country to be satisfied with the miracle.

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The FPF first, will recover the lost time. Since the departure of the "Tiger" to his country there was no contact and worse, parallel rumors of its rapprochement with the federations of Argentina and Colombia, have grown.

Faced with this panorama and the need, because there are commitments for Peru, the national counter-offensive will be the immediate journey of Juan Carlos Oblitas to Buenos Aires, where the last leader of the National team is already listening to the offers after a relaxing family break.

The sports director of the Peruvian selection is the key to management because he is the person who greatly influenced his hiring in March 2015. "I believe in him," he said. Three years later, he took us to the World Cup.

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To this day, Gareca is already one of the professionals that make up the long list of options managed by AFA . And not only that. He is also one of the most recognized fan fans. Guillermo Barros, Matías Almeyda, Pep Guardiola and Diego Simeone complete the list


The friendly match against Ecuador ] was also abandoned by FPF because there has never been a formal conversation. Only the good intentions of the presidents, nothing more.

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