Peruvian team | For national holidays relive the intonation of the national anthem in a World Cup after 36 years


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The national anthem was sung in a World Cup after 36 years, a few generations of the Peruvian population did not know what it was to live this great experience, since the 39 Peruvian national team was absent from ] Spain 82 . Thus, on June 16 of this year, the dream of many Peruvian fans is realized when the "two color" faced the Denmark at the 2018 Russia World Cup.

This match marked the return of the 'white-red' Thousands of Peruvians sang the sacred notes of the Peruvian anthem at the same time.

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Inca fans who were stationed in the stands could not contain the emotion and shed tears Emotion by singing the national anthem. Part of the technical command and the Peruvian players were captured by the TV cameras when the excitement overwhelmed them in this exciting moment

DO NOT MISS: The players of the national team salute Peru for National Holidays [GALERIA] [19659006] However, this start was a bitter drink for those led by Ricardo Gareca, as we lost 1-0 against the Danish team. Then, in the second round, the & # 39; bicolor & # 39; could not make France fall from 1 to 0, eliminated prematurely from the World Cup.

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