Peruvian team: Ricardo Gareca will be visited by Juan Carlos Oblitas and will continue in the 'Bicolor & # 39;


Within 23 days after the decision to renew Ricardo Gareca or not, a plan B is prepared in the offices of the FPF with the aim of improving certain aspects of salary and sports for the sole purpose of keeping it in View of Qatar 2022

Juan Carlos Oblitas, sports director, will visit Argentina with a proposal that improves the 70 thousand dollars a month that he received in the process in Russia, fueled by strong interest that Colombia has to convert it into its coach

YOU CAN SEE: The excellent work of Ricardo Gareca has awakened the interest of important teams

Having brought back Peru in a World Cup and leaving him in 11th place in the national team standings, the listing of the "Flaco" has increased and the new bid would be about 100 thousand dollars, in addition to starting the construction of 39, a new national selection center Ones in Chaclacayo and program the decentralized tournament of 2019 with the goal that it does not interfere in the formation of "Bicolor".

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Next week will be the key to erasing the doubts with which he left Lima. Ricardo Gareca will analyze more calmly the offer and improvements so as not to cut the best route after 36 years.

Orders with claw

– The construction of the new National Selection Center at Chaclacayo. The houses near the Videna de San Luis prevent work with reserve
– The FPF will be responsible for the decentralized tournament since 2019 and will order without interfering in the work of Ricardo Gareca.
– The "Tiger" salary would rub the $ 100 thousand, which would also allow him to climb the ranking of the highest paid coaches in South America.

46 games led Gareca to the head of the national team and 22 wins, 15 of consecutive form.

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