Petroperú records a new sabotage of the Norperuano pipeline in the jungle | Economy | Businesses


The state oil company Petroperú informed the public that a new attack on the Norperuano pipeline had been confirmed at kilometer 193, in the district of Morona District, 500 meters from the Mayuriaga community.

In a statement, he said residents of the area had executed their threat that they had left in writing in a memorial signed on November 20, 2018, dissatisfied with the results of the last municipal elections held in this district.

"This threat has been communicated in a timely manner by Petroperú to the relevant entities," said the company.

He added that, knowing the fact that aired in the local media by the same pipeline attackers, Petroperu staff activated the emergency plan to locate the place of the attack.

However, he warned that the situation was aggravated by the fact that at the time the affected area was located, residents of the Mayuriaga community were not allowing Petroperu personnel to repair the pipeline and contain the tide. black.

Petroperú has requested the intervention of the National Police and Prosecutor's Office as it is an indictable offense against Norperuano's pipeline infrastructure, considered a vital asset at the national level.

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