Petroperú will present the winners of the Cope Prize at the International Book Fair –


Lima, Peru.- As a sign of its renowned effort to provide relevant support to the cultural activities of our country, PETROPERÚ is present at the International Book Fair (FIL) Lima 2018 as a sponsor and also presenter winning works of the 2017 Cope Award, the most important literary competition in Peru

This show, considered one of the four most important in Latin America, will be the perfect setting to present the recognition that PETROPERÚ does, to through the Prix Cope, to writers who bring new works to enrich Peruvian literature.

On the PETROPERÚ stand, we will be able to appreciate the novel "El laberinto de los endriagos" by Hugo Yuen, winner of the Gold category in the novel and the winning poems "Private collection or the hidden colors of confusion", by Marco Antonio Quijano, category Gold in poetry, "Night and its shadow" by Ernesto Zumar. N, Category Plata and "Under the blue sky stain" Alexander Susti, Bronze category

In addition, the various books of the COPE publishing house will be offered and book presentations "Amazon will be: Road Milenaria III. A place called Amazonía "by the compiler Aldo Bolaños Baldassari, and the third edition of" The Gran Ruta Inca El Capaq Ñan "by Ricardo Espinosa

The invitation is made, let's go to the International Book Fair of Lima, from this 20 July to August 5, to have the opportunity to acquire these works at very affordable prices and take advantage of these notorious Peruvian works, present in the FIL through the commitment of PETROPERÚ in Peruvian Literature and Culture

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