Physician accused of mistreating patient abused by RPP News reporter [VIDEO]


The suspended doctor Fernando Millones Caicay, accused of attempting to assault a police officer with a chair and a belt at the Luís Heysen Inchaustegui hospital in Chiclayo, Tuesday attacked a journalist from RPP Noticias. The man tried to grab his microphone as she tried to interview him to find out his version of the charges.

In the morning, the journalist Deisy Cubas He spoke with the doctor on the phone, with whom he agreed to make an appointment at a restaurant in Chiclayo to continue the dialogue. Upon arriving at the places chosen by him, and wishing to begin the interview with the question of what happened on the day of the assault of Mrs. María Consuelo Tapia Barrantes, the doctor requested the retraction of the media.

"The media, without knowing what has really happened, publish what they want, I have given some interviews and they publish what they want and they do not rectify it." she told the reporter. Then he said that he would not give the interview.


When again being repulsed by the reporter with the same question, Millions Caicay She stated that the journalist intended to make her say things that he did not want and that she had taken the opportunity to remove her mobile phone and microphone. This made them fall to the ground, but the camera kept recording what had happened.

Deisy CubasThe RPP News reporter always indicated that her interest as a communicator was to know the accused's version of the facts and thus clarify what had happened. He also warned the doctor that he would not be mistreated or disrespected.

"It's an aggressive person who reacts violently." He assaulted me from nowhere, he twisted my arm to carry me with my microphone, even though he agreed to it. pact for the interview, "said the reporter.

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