Piero Gaitán is accused of rape and his wife defends him in "Válgame Dios" | Shows


Diego Mateo Núñez Pérez, the actor Javier Dulzaides and Piero Rodolfo Gaitán García were involved in a rape case, but only the last was imprisoned. In the fight for the son of singer Rodolfo Gaitán Castro to face the process in complete freedom, his close environment is impossible.

After the singer of the duo Gaitán Castro defended his son in various media, the couple Piero Gaitán left anonymity to defend the father of his son

YOU CAN SEE After new medical tests, Piero Gaitán could be tried in freedom [VIDEO]

In conversation with a reporter from the show "Válgame Dios", Paola Casado misrepresented the serious accusation which weighs on the son of Rodolfo Gaitán Castro.

According to the couple of the young man who faces nine months of preventive detention in the Castro Castro prison, the accusation of the hostess of 23 years would be completely false. "I do not believe her at all, she contradicts herself a lot and when it suits her, she does not remember anything," says Paola.

On the other hand, there is a glimmer of hope for Piero Gaitán

According to ATV News, the spermatology test suffered by Rodolfo Gaitán Castro's son was negative. This review was conducted on the same day as the alleged violation of June 14.

David Ruíz Vela, forensic pathologist, explained that the results of the examination show that Piero Gaitán García did not have sex with any woman day of tragedy and for that reason I should face to the process in complete freedom.

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