Piñera criticized the Chilean church for cases of abuse and said that they should never cover a crime


The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera claimed that the Catholic Church "should never cover a crime", with reference to sexual abuse committed in the country by members of the clergy and its alleged concealment by the ecclesiastical hierarchy.

The Chilean church "made a huge mistake," said the president in an interview with Arcatel. "It hurts me a lot that, as we know, many of the high authorities of the Catholic Church were aware of these facts and instead of confronting them with truth, negligence, prudence, mistakes or what you want. they hid these facts, "he said.

" They could and should have avoided many abuses and suffering for Chilean children and that also hurts me a lot "he said. he added. "It hurts what the Chileans know, because there were many victims that no one welcomed them, no one listened to them, no one protected them and these victims suffered violence. Sexuality in loneliness and lack of support. "remarcó Piñera.



The Chilean prosecutor's office informed Friday that 37 cases had been opened in the country in connection with cases of sexual abuse by persons related to the Catholic Church . These processes currently involve 68 people surveyed and 104 victims, most of whom are minors.

One of the causes concerns the cardinal Ricardo Eszzati, Archbishop of Santiago, who was quoted. declare as imputed by the regional prosecutor of O. Higgins, Emiliano Arias for alleged concealment of sexual abuse.

In this case, the former Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Santiago is formally charged and in pre-trial detention, Oscar Muñoz accused of abuse by half a dozen minors , some of whom are his nephews.

Since last June, Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of five Chilean bishops, in a cleansing process which, according to the victims of the abuses, is not over.

In the opinion of Piñera "it is better that this come to the public light to correct this situation and face it more truthfully"

"I hope that it is a profound teaching for the Catholic Church "said the President, who also wished the Church begins a new stage" of great closeness and d & # 39; 39, a greater commitment to the truth, a much better protection for the innocent victims, more attention to the children. "

Asked about the possibility that Chilean Church to be convicted for these acts, Piñera stressed that "justice must be equal for all and perhaps, the greater the power and authority of the people, the greater responsibility that". they have before justice. "

(Information on EFE)

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