Plane crash: The fuselage and the wings of the plane were buried


"It was really huge (the accident), the fuselage was buried, the wings are also underground, surely the experts, in a short time, will give the answer to what we have need ", Roa told the press, after the arrival of the small plane that moved the remains of the deceased to the Army Air Force of the # Air Paraguay

"It took a lot out the bodies, they were very beaten, I did not want to risk comment, the accident was really very ugly, the impact is noticeable", explained.

The Secretary of State said that several heavy machinery will perform work in the accident area, to try to remove what was left of the fuselage of the aircraft, which is practically buried, about 1.50 meters under water and mud.

Read more: The remains of Luis Gneiting and his suite arrive at Groupe Aerotaxique

"The plane was not leaving to be able to leave, the fuselage would not leave with the hooks and shot by helicopters, it's going to be from tomorrow with heavy gear " he said.

He also claimed that they will wait for the results of the expertise to know the cause of the plane crash.

"This type of aircraft does not have a black box because black boxes are for big commercial planes, which we do not explain is how the tag was not activated "

Related Note: This was the search for the aircraft in which Gneiting and his entourage traveled

He said that at the time of takeoff the aircraft the weather conditions were good for this type of machines, it is for this reason, the pilot had permission to take off.

From the SEN they put at the disposal of the families of the deceased a flight that transported them to the capital of the country, in addition, they have at disposal a half-dozen vehicles. lias can be mobilized in the capital of the country.

Read more: Rescue first remains of deceased in Ayolas

For rescue work had the support of two helicopters, one of them, the Governorate of Misiones, Argentina, and a other of the gendarmerie of this country.

He also helped with machinery the Itapúa Governorate and Ayolas Mayor Carlos Duarte, was from the beginning involved in the research, according to Roa.


] All the people who traveled in the plane died, they are Luis Gneiting and Deputy Minister of Livestock, Vicente Ramírez, the official Luis Charoti and the driver Gerardo López.

The accident occurred this Wednesday afternoon, then that the flight took off from the airport of the city of Ayolas, at 18:22, bound for the capital of country.

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