Poet of Hora Zero Enrique Verástegui died last night


If the departure yesterday morning of the great broadcaster of culture, Marco Aurelio Denegri, was already a painful blow to the Peruvian culture, leaving the night of one of the most important Peruvian poets of the second half of the twentieth century and one of the leaders of the literary movement Hora Zero, Enrique Verástegui, 68, ended up saddening lovers of poetry and literature in our country.

The announcement of the death of one of the best Peruvian poets of all time is spreading like wildfire through social networks. His relatives and the poetess Rosina Valcárcel Carnero have made known what happened. "The great poet Enrique Verástegui is gone, tomorrow we will all accompany him, hugs to his family, the little Estéfano, Vanessa, Carmen Ollé Nava, Nieves, sisters, relatives, friends and readers", writes Valcárcel.

Rosina herself says that the poet of In the extramural world (1971) died Friday night 27 in the emergency area of ​​Edgardo Rebagliati Hospital, after having suffered from severe pain in the stomach that led to a heart attack, as indicated by his inseparable friend.

In Facebook, the poet Fernando Obregón sent him back, wounded: "The poet Enrique Verástegui is gone, he has gone on a trip, he is hidden, he has picked up the phone, he has disguised himself in the mists, but I can not accept that he's dead, and so ends his farewell: "We'll meet again in the eternal and beautiful spell that comes from words. My warm embrace to Carmen Ollé Nava, Vanessa Verástegui and the poet's family. How this horazerian pain hurts … "Writer José Carlos Yrigoyen regretted his departure." The silent hour arrived in the city, "he commented

Verástegui was going to present his book Bodegón in the edition of Trujillo-FIL International Book Fair 2018.

Poet and playwright, musician, watercolorist, physicist and mathematician .. Works such as In the Extramurals of world Angelus Novus Joke ride Peruvian score is his best inheritance.


I sat down to wait for old age I do not think or do anything until another


to dust off the verve, the

gold books, the

mathematics, [19659002] the body, the soul,


all that knowledge buried in grudge,

] Gnosis which demonstrates that

The Infinite

is in the finite

] where it is, in fact, the universe

I bloomed more than anyone else

but perfidy fell on me,

doubling me like a flower,

rustling me, and I went

silenced .

Maitreya went unnoticed


Do not make you want to cry?

"Theory of changes", 2009

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