Poles excluded Jews from the academy


Education Minister Naftali Bennett announced that the controversial statement, issued by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, will not be part of the history lessons on the subject. Holocaust in schools.

The education system will continue to adhere to the historical truth that the Poles took an active part in the Nazi killing machine by killing the Jews, delivering them and informing them, "said Gilad Maniv, an official from the Ministry of Education will continue to teach Israeli students that Poles were anti-Semitic before, during and after the Holocaust. "Before the outbreak of the Second World War, the Poles excluded Jews of the academy, boycotted them and harmed them economically. When the Nazis arrived in Poland, they found a Polish population steeped in anti-Semitism, so the Poles' claims are not true. "

The Minister of Education decided to include a compulsory study unit on the treatment of the Polish population to the Jewish people during the Second World War as part of the training given to the tour guides that accompany the educational trips of Israeli students in Poland.

It will focus on the large-scale cooperation of the Polish population with the Nazi regime, including information about Jews, their surrender and direct assassination of Jews.

In addition to this, the study unit also relies on the actions of the righteous among the nations: Poles who risked their lives to save the Jewish Jews

While the treatment that the Poles gave to Jews during the Second World War has always had a p art included in the curriculum, the tour guides were not obliged to focus specifically on the participation of Poles in the murder of Jews. Bennett's new instructions would bring the subject into the mandatory requirements

The mandatory study unit will be incorporated into the various educational activities conducted during the trip to Poland, which include visits to historical sites related to The Holocaust, as well as

The Holocaust Memorial Museum of the United States endorsed Yad Vashem's stance, saying that the revision that legislators made last week does not respond to the main concern, which is the potential "Reaction in Israel" confirms our belief that we must improve the cooperation of historians, teachers and guides of Polish, Israeli and Jewish museums to protect the truth about the Second World War and the Holocaust ", he said.

This week, a Polish public bank, PKO Bank Polski, p He made announcements in the major international newspapers for publish the full statement, an example of how Polish public authorities are taking advantage of state-owned enterprises to support their ideological positions.

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