Police and armed forces conducted an anti-drug operation and captured 51 people


The National Police on Monday launched the anti-drug operation "Armagedon" in the province of Putumayo ( Loreto ), area of ​​the tripartite border between Peru, Colombia and Ecuador . The authorities arrested 51 people, most of whom were Colombian citizens who had engaged in illegal drug trafficking . Agent Martín Vizcarra oversaw these actions that were carried out in collaboration with Armed Forces .

From Monday 16th an emergency declaration in Putumayo for 60 days. According to the norm, the decision of Executive was taken after having known two offices sent by the PNP General Directorate to the Ministry of the Interior, in which the declaration was requested because of a "problematic warned" in the city of Putumayo .


The President Vizcarra stated that it was learned that in this region there were security problems due to incursions of citizens of Colombia. He therefore stated that he had an intelligence job that determined the need for an operation to ratify the presence of the state. "A state of emergency has been decreed to guarantee the correct military intervention of the police, since today the Armed Forces and the National Police, with the support of five M17 helicopters, three planes, a patrol vessel of the Peruvian Navy in coordination with the Colombian Armed Forces, proceeded to the intervention, "he said.

" We are firm, we are clear, we are going defend the sovereignty and our territory, we will use the power of the force to do it, we also want to achieve development, "added the president.

In May, the mayor of Putumayo province in Loreto, Second Julca Ramos denounced in RPP Noticias that armed men entered his jurisdiction on the other side of the border with Colo mbia The group visited the main square and the markets and distributed brochures to the colo ns

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